
Microcredit Line
The microcredit line aims to boost micro-entrepreneurship activities, sustainable financing for self-employment, youth entrepreneurship and women's empowerment, within a framework of facilitating access to financing for entrepreneurs with smaller and less adapted activities and/or projects. to other existing financing instruments.
Trade Finance Line
Line of Credit in Euros with direct disbursements by transfer to the supplier's account as documentary credit or documentary remittance, for import settlement.
Mortgage Loan
Financing for sale, namely of floors, apartments, fractions, villas and closed condominiums and establishing a direct link between financing for construction and subsequent financing for housing for purchase by individuals or companies.
Banking guarantees
It is intended to guarantee the fulfillment of obligations by the supplier of the good or service provider to third parties or to guarantee the fulfillment of obligations arising from financing contracts.
Lissance discount
The duration and amount of operations are fixed. Interest is levied on the duration of the operation and is charged in advance on the opening date.
Guaranteed Current Account
Credit approved for possibly renewable periods of 6 months, during which only the interest due on the funds used is charged, the capital being paid at the end of the agreed term.