
Personal BI Salary
The Negotiated Overdraft Limit that allows you to bring forward your domiciled income and make your payments and purchases.
Personal BI Woman Card
BI Woman Card is a debit card, with a modern and distinctive design, aimed exclusively at the female segment of Banco Interatlântico.
Business Trade Finance
Credit line in foreign currency that supports companies and entrepreneurs in importing. This solution adjusts to your needs with trade with foreign countries.
Immigrants Emigrant Account
This account was created for those who are abroad. Even if you're far away, you can still be close to Cabo Verde. If you are an emigrant, discover the advantages of this product.
interest and fees Pricing - Fees, Expenses and Interest Rates
Find out all the information related to commissions, expenses and interest rates.
Product FIN’s Product Information
Find here more details about Banco Interatlântico's products.
Personal Term Deposits
If you want a return on your money, the bank offers you Term Deposits with a remuneration set according to the terms chosen.
09 Dec. 2021
For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of art.11 of Law No. 95/IX/2020